Keyboard shortcuts in Storyist for iOS

Storyist for iOS provides keyboard shortcuts for common actions. To see them, connect a physical keyboard to your iPad, open Storyist, and press the Command key. The shortcuts available in the current editor appear in an overlay, as shown in the screenshot above. Note: Some less common shortcuts, for example, some text editing shortcuts, do not appear in the overlay. See the table below for the complete list.

Moving around the project window

Show the active shortcuts

Press and hold Command

Move to the next focusable group

Tab or Control-Tab

Move to the previous focusable group

Shift-Tab or Control-Shift-Tab

Close the current project or file


Working with the sidebar

Show or hide the sidebar


Select the item above the current item

Up Arrow

Select the item below the current item

Down Arrow

Expand the selected outline item

Right Arrow

Collapse the selected outline item

Left Arrow

Move focus to the editor


Rename/edit the selected item


Show the shortcut menu for the selected item


Show the inspector for the selected text item

Command-Right Bracket (])

Return to the project outline

Command-Left Bracket ([)

Working with the folder view

Select the item above the current selection

Up Arrow

Select the item below the current selection

Down Arrow

Select the next item in the grid

Right Arrow

Select the previous item in the grid

Left Arrow

Open the selected item


Edit the selected item title


Show the shortcut menu for the selected item


Working with the text editor

Moving the insertion point

Move one character to the right

Right Arrow or Control-F

Move one character to the left

Left Arrow or Control-B

Move to the previous line

Up Arrow or Control-P

Move to the next line

Down Arrow or Control-N

Move to the beginning of the current or previous word

Option-Left Arrow or Control-Option-B

Move to the end of the current or next word

Option-Right Arrow or Control-Option-F

Move to the beginning of the current line

Command-Left Arrow

Move to the end of the current line

Command-Right Arrow

Move to the beginning of the current paragraph

Option-Up Arrow or Control-A

Move to the end of the current paragraph

Option-Down Arrow or Control-E

Move to the beginning of the document

Command-Up Arrow

Move to the end of the document

Command-Down Arrow

Scroll down one page

Control-Option-Down Arrow

Scroll up one page

Control-Option-Up Arrow

Scroll the insertion point to the center of the editor


Editing text

Delete the previous character or selection

Delete or Control-H

Delete the next character or selection


Delete the previous word


Delete to the beginning of the paragraph


Delete to the end of the current paragraph


Transpose the characters on either side of the insertion point


Insert non-breaking space

Option-Space bar

Open a new line


Insert a link


Insert a comment


Selecting text

Select a word

Double-tap on the word

Select a paragraph

Triple-tap in the paragraph

Select all text


Extend selection one character to the right

Shift-Right Arrow

Extend selection one character to the left

Shift-Left Arrow

Extend selection to the end of the current word

Shift-Option-Right Arrow

Extend selection to the beginning of the current word

Shift-Option-Left Arrow

Extend selection to the end of the current line

Shift-Command-Right Arrow

Extend selection to the beginning of the current line

Shift-Command-Left Arrow

Extend selection to the line above

Shift-Up Arrow

Extend selection to the line below

Shift-Down Arrow

Extend selection to the beginning of the current paragraph

Shift-Option-Up Arrow

Extend selection to the end of the current paragraph

Shift-Option-Down Arrow

Extend selection to the beginning of the text

Shift-Command-Up Arrow

Extend selection to the end of the text

Shift-Command-Down Arrow

Formatting text

Make selected text bold


Make selected text italic


Underline selected text


Align text left

Shift-Command-left curly brace ( { )

Center text

Shift-Command-vertical bar ( | )

Align text right

Shift-Command-right curly brace ( } )

Justify text

Shift-Command-Option-vertical bar ( | )

Configuring the text editor

Show or hide invisible characters


Show or hide the word count


Zoom In

Command-Plus Sign (+)

Zoom Out

Command-Minus Sign (-)

Zoom to Fit

Command-Equal Sign (=)

Zoom Actual Size

Command-Option-Equal Sign (=)

Switch to the storyboard


Working with the storyboard editor

Select the item above the current selection

Up Arrow

Select the item below the current selection

Down Arrow

Select the next item in the grid

Right Arrow

Select the previous item in the grid

Left Arrow

Edit the current selection

Command-O or Command-Down Arrow

Edit the next card

Command-Right Arrow

Edit the previos card

Command-Left Arrow

End editing

Command-Period (.)

Switch to the text editor


Go to the enclosing folder

Command-Up Arrow